Programming in C# – Syllabus
1. Introduction
a. .NET Architecture
b. Types and Variables
c. Program Structure
d. What is C#
e. Why is C#
f. Get Started
i. C# IDE
ii. C# Install
2. Types
a. Classes and Objects
b. Type Parameters
c. Base Classes
d. Structs
e. Interfaces
f. Enums
g. Nullable Types
h. Tuples
3. C# Program Building Blocks
a. Members
b. Accessibility
c. Fields
d. Methods
e. Parameters
f. Method body and Local Variables
g. Static and Instance methods
h. Virtual, Override and abstract methods
i. Method Overloading
j. Other function members
k. Constructors
l. Properties
m. Indexers
n. Events
o. Operators
p. Finalizers
q. Expressions
r. Statements
4. C# Key Concepts
a. Arrays, Collections, LINQ
b. String Interpolation
c. Pattern matching
d. Delegates and lambda Expressions
e. Async/await
f. Attributes
5. C# Programming Fundamentals
a. Program Structure
b. Main and Command line arguments
i. Overview
ii. Main() return values
iii. Async Main return values
iv. Command line Arguments
c. Top level statements
i. Only one top level file
ii. No other entry points
iii. Using directives
iv. Global namespace
v. Name spaces and Type Definitions
vi. Args, await
vii. Exit Code for the process
viii. Implicit Entry Point method
d. C# Type System
i. Specifying Types in variable declarations
ii. Built-in types
iii. Custom Types
iv. The Common Type System
v. Value Types
vi. Reference Types
vii. Types of literal values
viii. Generic Types
ix. Implicit Types, anonymous Types, and nullable value types
x. Compile time type and runtime type
e. Namespaces
f. Classes
i. Reference Types
ii. Declaring Classes
iii. Creating Objects
iv. Class Inheritance
g. Records
i. Introduction
ii. When to use records
iii. Value equality
iv. Immutability
v. Difference between Records, Classes and struct
h. Interfaces
i. Generic Classes and methods
j. Anonymous Types
6. Object Oriented Programming
a. Encapsulation
i. Members
ii. Accessibility
iii. Inheritance
iv. Interfaces
b. Objects
i. Members
ii. Accessibility
iii. Inheritance
iv. Interfaces
c. Inheritance
i. Abstract and Virtual methods
ii. Abstract base classes
iii. Interfaces
d. Polymorphism
i. Virtual members
ii. Hide base class members with new members
iii. Prevent derived classes from overriding virtual members
iv. Access base class virtual members from derived classes
e. Pattern matching
i. Null Checks
ii. Type Tests
iii. Compare discrete values
iv. Relational Patterns
v. Multiple inputs
vi. List Patterns
f. Discards
i. Tuple and object deconstruction
ii. Pattern matching with switch
iii. Calls to methods with out parameters
iv. A standalone discard
g. Deconstructing tuples and other types
i. Tuples
ii. Tuple elements with discards
iii. User defined type with discards
iv. Extension methods for user-defined types
v. Extension method for system types
vi. Record types
7. Exception and Exception Handling
a. Exceptions
b. Exception Handling
i. Catch Blocks
ii. Finally Blocks
iii. Creating and throwing Exceptions
1. Things to avoid when throwing exceptions
2. Defining Exception Classes
iv. Compiler generated Exceptions
8. Coding Style
a. C# Identifier Names
i. Naming rules
ii. Naming Conventions
b. C# Coding conventions
i. Naming Conventions
1. Pascal Case
2. Camel Case
ii. Layout Conventions
iii. Commenting Conventions
iv. Language guidelines
1. String data types
2. Implicit typed local variables
3. Unsigned data types
4. Arrays
5. Delegates
6. try-catch and using statements in exception handling
7. && and || operators
8. New Operator
9. Even handling
10. Static members
11. LINQ queries
9. What’s new in C#
a. C# 11.0
b. C# 10.0
c. C# 09.0
d. C# 08.0
3 hours session – Saturday and Sunday
(2:00 PM to 5:00 PM)
1 Hour session – Monday to Friday (7:00 AM, 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 11:00 AM, 12:00 PM, 2:00 PM, 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM)
30 days, 2 hours a day Monday to Friday
Course Title | Date | Timings | Duration | Faculty | Type | Post | |
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DevOps | 16-Sep-2024 | ||||||
Embedded Systems | 16-Sep-2024 | ||||||
Artificial Intelligence | 16-Sep-2024 | ||||||
Machine Learning | 16-Sep-2024 | ||||||
Data Science | 16-Sep-2024 | ||||||
Data Engineering | 16-Sep-2024 | ||||||
Manual Testing | 16-Sep-2024 | ||||||
Selenium with Java | 16-Sep-2024 | ||||||
Selenium wth Python | 16-Sep-2024 |
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